Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Updates! And an Announcement!

I know, I know, it's been FOREVER since I posted here, but there has been a lot going on with my life.

Sooo, I didn't realize until a few months ago that I was in a MAJOR funk, which means that I wasn't doing ANY sewing.  But good news, we got a new house, which means I get my very own sewing room that I get to organize pretty much however I wanted to.  That also means that I did a huge purge of fabric and other bits and bobs that I didn't need anymore.  This helped A LOT in getting the mounds of fabric under control!

I also got a new job and I LOVE it!  That's probably the biggest reason I'm back sewing again, I feel like I'm doing something meaningful with my life, so I'm happier, so when I'm happy I sew, or knit, or crochet, whatever.

So I'll be posting more often, since I'm not actually MAKING things!  But that's not the big announcement, the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is that I'm going to Costume College this year!!!!!!  What is Costume College you might ask? Well, it's like a conference for costumers of all levels.  It's put on each year in Los Angeles by the Costume Guild West, and I just heard about it last year? The year before? Which ever, I heard about it, but this year is the first year I get to go.

That means that you should be on the look out for posts featuring new costumes for me as I finish them.  I almost have one outfit done, and I'm making great strides on a second.  And have a third at least cut out (except for the lining).  So look out for those pictures!